Job Opportunities
We value people. Human resources are our most valuable assets. We offer continuing development opportunities and long-term careers. Career paths are flexible in Road King. The definition of career growth is a broad one - it may encompass developing a critical skill, enhancing a current job, making a lateral job change, seeking a job in a different field or function, reducing or changing current responsibilities, or seeking a promotion. We are always open and committed to exploring all of these directions and more.

Road King is committed to provide a non-discrimination work environment free of intimidation and harassment. We provide equal opportunity in all aspects of employment regardless of sex, race, colour, ethnic origin, religion, marital status or disabilities.
Contact Person (Hong Kong)
Mr. Chow Tat Fan, Fanta
(852) 2957 6800
(852) 2375 2477
Contact Person (China)
Ms. Ruan Lin
(86)755 88325999